The measurement of coating within the microcapsules proves the heat insulation property, and the microcapsules can be used as heat insulation additive. 涂膜隔热性能测试结果表明,该种微胶囊具有明显吸热性能,可作为隔热添加剂使用。
The application of waterborne CPP in coating systems as primer and additive were introduced. 阐述了其在涂料体系中作为底漆和作为添加剂制备底面合一漆的应用情况;
The coating temperature and adding order of composite additive are two principal factors affecting the anticaking capacity. 包覆温度和复合添加剂的添加次序是影响抗结块效果的两个主要因素。
The Research on Cathode Electricity Coating Treatment Additive for Metal Surface Disposal 阴极电泳涂装金属表面处理剂的研究
S In accordance with the morphology of product, the compositions, formula, coating technology and properties of additive silicone anti adhesive are described, and silicone anti adhesive of ultraviolet cured type and electron beam cured type are also introduced. 按产品形态叙述了加成型有机硅防粘剂的组成、配方、涂布工艺及性能。还介绍了紫外光固化型和电子束固化型有机硅防粘剂。
Furthermore, it is found that the coating design has an effect on the micro-hardness in some degree and the additive TiO2 can largely develops the wear resistance of the ceramic coating. 另外,涂层设计对硬度有一定影响,TiO2的引入提高了涂层的耐磨性。
Trap catalytic regeneration which catalyst coating regeneration, lead fuel additive regeneration and non-lead fuel additive regeneration were included. 捕捉器催化再生,包括触媒涂层再生、铅燃料添加剂再生和非铅燃料添加剂再生。
The paper studies plating Ni-Fe alloy coating with addition of rare earth lanthanum additive in plating solution of citrate employed as a stable agent. 研究了在以柠檬酸钠为稳定剂的电镀溶液中加入稀土镧添加剂电镀Ni-Fe合金镀层。
As plating time was increased, the structure of coating was transformed into microcrystalline and amorphous structure showing smooth surface in coating thickening process under the influence of atom size, additive and the composition of coating. 随施镀时间的延长、镀层厚度的增加,在原子尺寸、添加剂和镀层成分等影响下,向微晶和非晶态转化,镀层表面趋于平整。
A bright Ni-P alloy coating can be obtained within a temperature range of 80~ 90(° C) with a depositing rate up to 20 μ m/ h from weak acidic electroless Ni plating bath system containing a composite complexing agent and a special additive. 弱酸性化学镀镍溶液体系采用复合配位剂以及一种添加剂,在80~90°C范围内可获得光亮镍磷合金镀层,沉积速率可达20μm/h。
Dynamically Coating the Capillary With Poly ( vinylpyrrolidone) as a Buffer Additive for Basic Proteins Separation by Capillary Electrophoresis 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮动态涂敷毛细管电泳柱分离碱性蛋白质
The effects of process conditions on the coating appearance were investigated, including content of additive, temperature and pH of the bath, current density, etc. The corrosion resistance of the satin nickel coating was also ( stu-) died. 考察了添加剂用量、镀液温度与pH、电流密度等工艺条件对珍珠镍镀层外观的影响,并对珍珠镍镀层的耐蚀性进行了研究。
The study on the coating material has been made on basic material selection, additive and solution analysis, performance test and field application. 从这种防腐涂料的基料选择、颜填料及溶剂分析、性能试验及现场应用等几个方面进行了研究。
These additives have no adverse effect on the properties of the coating, and the optimum contents of them are: hydrophobic additive 6%, sepiolite 6% and expanded pearlite 3%. 在该材料中疏水添加剂的最佳含量为6%,海泡石最佳含量为6%,膨胀珍珠岩的最佳含量为3%。
The present situation of the research work, coating technology and application of additive solventless silicone release agent in recent years are described in this paper. 本文介绍了近年来加成型无溶剂硅酮隔离剂的研究状况、涂布工艺及应用。
The experimental results show: ( 1) Phosphorus in coating increases with the content of additive. 实验结果表明:(1)镀层中磷含量随着添加剂含量的增加而提高;
A bright zinc-aluminum alloy coating was obtained by electroplating from alkaline zincate solution with addition of alumina and home-made additive. 在碱性锌酸盐镀锌液中加入氧化铝和自制添加剂,获得了光亮Zn-Al合金镀层。
The ceramic coating becomes smooth and has a better cohesion with the substrate. The content of rutile TiO_2 increases while the Na_2Mo_7O_ ( 24) additive concentration increases. 以Na2Mo7O(24)为添加剂时,随着Na2Mo7O(24)浓度的增加,金红石型TiO2的成分增加。
Study on Ni-based Spraying and Coating Material Hardness Via Additive Function 加和函数及其在Ni基喷涂材料硬度研究中的应用
The preparation methods of carbon/ TiO_2 composite photocatalysts are reviewed. It is pointed out that composites exhibit a diversity of characteristics: carbon is not only used as a support but a coating, pore-forming agent and assisting additive. 通过论述炭与TiO2光催化剂的复合方式,系统总结了复合光催化剂的各种制备方法,指出炭与TiO2的复合呈现多样化的特征,炭不仅作为载体,还可以用作涂层、造孔剂以及助剂。
The PC-300 and PC-400 internal coating is produced by use of phenolic resin and epoxy phenolics which are with better paraffin inhibition property, as well as stuffing and additive agent which are very stable in chemistry property. PC-300、PC-400涂层选用具备优良防蜡性能的酚醛树脂和环氧-酚醛树脂以及具有优良的化学稳定性的填料和助剂;
By making the tests in the laboratory, a kind of functional scaling-depressed coating, which used polyurethane resin as film forming material and the scaling-depressed additive as additional composition, was developed and tested on the technical scale in this mill, with a good scaling-depressed result. 通过实验室试验,研制了以聚氨酯树脂为成膜物,以阻垢添加剂为辅助成分的功能阻垢涂料,并在该选厂现场进行了工业试验,取得了良好的阻垢效果。
It can be seen from the comparative experiments that the flame-retardancy of the reactive waterborne foaming flame retardant coating gum and the additive waterborne foaming flame retardant coating gum, showed almost same. 通过对比试验发现:反应型水性发泡阻燃涂层胶和添加型水性发泡阻燃涂层胶阻燃效果几乎相当。